Judging Moms
Why do we, as women, always feel like we need to preface things with, "don't judge me"? Or, "excuse the mess"? A friend comes over and it is a mess... especially if you have kids. "Excuse the mess, don't judge me." You don't have the time and energy and order take out for dinner. "Don't judge me." You decide you want to formula feed your baby. "Excuse the mess, don't judge me." You do extended breastfeeding way past 6 months. "Don't judge me." I don't understand. I recently had a mom friend blow up at me on facebook, telling me, sarcastically, that I "must be a better mom because of breastfeeding, babywearing, and cloth diapering" and that she must be a "crappy mom" in her snark filled words. Then, she called my mother and told her more of her pleasant opinion. Mind you, I am in my 30s... Whoa Nelly.... Where did that come from? It went on to be a horrible attack...