KIDS EVENT REVIEW: Dorr Township Library Mini-Comicon

If you want the best kept secret in town, and you love geeks, you NEED to find your way to the Dorr Township Library. It is so much more than a place for books and reading. It is classes, people, activities, events, and yes-- still has all the great things libraries are supposed to have-- such as books, video game rentals, and more. On Saturday, July 30th, 2016, the Dorr Library Staff threw an awesome mini-comicon! The entire staff was dressed in multiple fandoms including X-Men (GAMBIT!), Pokemon, Harry Potter (GO Gryffindor!!!!), Superman, Steam Punk, old school She-ra, and more! There were even cardboard cutouts of the Tardis, Frozen, and Captain America... Hopping on the "Pokemon Go" craze, their staff has created a great place to participate and do some poke-hunting! They are very knowledgeable and very helpful! There is a Poke-stop at the library for anyone interested. This year had 2 featured guests, some were characters from the screen ...