REVIEW of EVENT: MommyCon Chicago, February 2015

MommyCon Chicago February 2015 This is an exciting event. Geared more toward the first time parent(s) with young children, this event still offers a lot for babywearers, cloth diaper junkies, breastfeeders, and parents of babies and toddlers in general. Hubby, Baby, and I went to Chicago the day before and stayed at the Hilton attached to the convention center. The weather was treacherous. It was snowing and at some point the drive had white outs and black ice all over the roads. My biggest concern, other than traveling and spending money, was my baby. Our darling little man was just 1 year old when we went... older than many, and younger than many of the kiddos at MommyCon! We weren't too concerned about feeding baby... between breastfeeding and babywearing, we thought that naps were going to be okay as well. Turns out, 2015's MommyCon had a nursing moms room! We got to try some of the brand new nursing pillows from Beco, as well. They had a pumping area, couches, and a...